Health Information 

A Message from the School Health and Wellness Team

Welcome to HEARTLAND SCHOOL! We are excited to begin the new school year and look forward to a successful year for your child. Please take note of the following important health-related information to ensure a smooth and healthy start.

Immunization Requirements:

  • State of Nebraska Requirements: As required by Nebraska state law, every child must receive certain vaccinations before entering public school. Please ensure your child’s immunizations are up-to-date before school begins. Your child may not be allowed to attend school without an updated immunization record.

  • Kindergarten Physical Exam: All Kindergarten students are required to have a physical examination within a year of entering school. Immunization records can be reviewed and updated during this visit.

Medication Policy:

  • Authorization Form: If your child needs medication at school, a "parent request for giving medication" form must be completed annually. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or allergy medication.

  • Medication Delivery: Medications must be brought to school by an adult in the original container. Children are not allowed to bring medications to school.

  • End-of-Year Pickup: All medications must be picked up at the end of the school year.

Emergency Contact Information:

  • It’s essential to have accurate and current contact information for your child. Please ensure we have several phone numbers where you can be reached in case of illness or emergencies. Update us immediately if your contact information changes.

Health Reminders:

  • Fever: A fever is defined as 100.2°F or above. Please do not send your child to school if they have a fever. Avoid sending them to school after administering Tylenol.

  • Vomiting: If your child has vomited in the morning, they should remain home for the day.

  • Absences: Please notify the school and transportation if your child will be absent. All absences must be verified.

Special Health Needs:

If your child has any special health requirements or you have any health-related questions, please contact the Student Health Services or the School Wellness Team. We’re here to help ensure your child’s well-being throughout the school year.

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